Non Profit Software
Published December 15th, 2016 by

What Is the Best NonProfit Software: 3 Comparison Tips to Use

What Is the Best NonProfit Software: 3 Comparison Tips to Use

Before you run a non-profit organization, you must know how important it is to have an efficient system to use to keep everything in order. While there is a multitude of software designed for non-profits available, it is important that you find one that can deliver the solutions that you need. The best way to do this, of course, is to consider your options first before deciding on which one to purchase.

What Non-Profit Software Is and What It’s not

Looking around for software to use should be easy to do, right? Unfortunately, with different types of software that are often assumed to be perfect for non-profit processes, it becomes a bit confusing. You get recommendations from others with great ideas on what type of software you should be using. Here are some of the common software that are often mistaken to be software for nonprofits:

  1. Project Management Software – Project Management Software is a great tool to keep projects on track. It comes with a multitude of features that are often considered essential to the success of the project. These features delivered by project management software may seem useful for non-profits. However, despite how impressive these features are, they were not designed specifically for projects that non-profit organizations take on. So, it may not have the solutions needed for the success of fundraisers and other events or projects often associated with non-profit processes.
  2. Customer Loyalty Management Software – Managing customers efficiently is one of the key reasons why a business succeeds. And in the world of non-profit, most people consider donors as the customers. So, the features of customer loyalty software might seem perfect for non-profits. However, donor management involves an entirely different skill set, so utilizing software designed for businesses may not be the best idea.
  3. Marketing Automation Software – While it’s clear how automating marketing strategies can help improve profits, you need to choose software that’s designed to work with non-profits. Spreading the word about your organization may follow regular marketing techniques but there are some key differences. In order to maximize the budget you will be investing in software, you need to make sure that it’s designed to handle the type of marketing you need.

So, if the non-profit software is none of the ones mentioned above, what exactly is it then? To be able to identify what the program is, it’s important to fully define what your organization is. According to, an online resource of information, a non-profit is an organization that’s formed to deliver services to society without getting personal financial benefits. The organization raises funds from donors to be able to provide the services they deliver.

The non-profit software then is a tool that makes all the processes involved in running a non-profit organization more efficient. It provides donor management tools, marketing automation, and accounting features.  All of these can be found in one software so each segment is linked to each another. The features are also designed specifically to deliver the solutions the organization needs.

Features of Non-Profit Software

There are numerous non-profit software available in the market. Despite labeling their features with different names or labels, the functions are essentially the same. Below are some of the key features delivered by the different types of non-profit software.

  1. Fundraising Tools – Since a non-profit organization doesn’t generate profit, it needs alternate ways to get the funds they need for the services they offer to the public. For example, if the organization provides career training or job hunting assistance, they normally give out clothes that people can use for job interviews. These clothes need to be sourced somewhere. The organization may also need equipment such as computers that beneficiaries can practice on. Computer terminals don’t grow on trees so the organization will need money to buy the needed equipment.

Organizations often run fundraising events to encourage donations. And to get these events organized, there are a million and one things that need to be done. Invitations to prospective donors will be sent out, venues reserved, discounts bargained and a few other tasks. This tool helps you get organized so that fundraisers run smoothly.

  1. Donor Search – This is the marketing function of the software. It is designed specifically to help you find the people who are capable of providing your organization with the financial assistance that you need.
  1. Donor Management – Taking care of your patrons are an integral part of the success of your organization. This tool helps you keep in constant contact with your donors and prospects. Software often comes with templates that you can use so you don’t have to stress about how to say what you need to. From thank you emails to introducing your cause or new programs to prospects, everything can be done a lot faster and more efficiently.
  1. Accounting – Despite not needing to worry about taxes and other things like that, you can still benefit from software that can help you keep the numbers straight. From budgeting your funds to managing the donations your organization receives, the tool takes care of everything.
  1. Reporting – While the organization does not focus on profit, it still has a lot of financial details that it needs to be taken care of. With donors or board members that would need to be reported to and budgets that need to be managed, the reporting tool of software for non-profit businesses is an integral element.

How to Choose the Right Software

With various developers providing software for non-profit organizations, it can be difficult to make the right choice. Each of these products offers features that you can benefit from. Below are some tips that you can use when doing a comparison of non-profit software.

Tip # 1 – Review what the features deliver. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with the multitude of features that developers offer. Often, people consider the product that delivers the most features to be the best choice. But this can be a costly error.

There’s a reason why features on product websites contain a description of what you can expect. This is to help you determine whether it’s a tool that your organization can use. While having a lot of features may seem impressive, it might actually make everything more complicated. For example, if your needs are only for the accounting aspect, then it would be best to look for software that delivers the most comprehensive accounting tools. Using software that’s packed with unnecessary software might make it harder for you and your staff to get used to.

With that said, you also want to look at how user-friendly the interface is. Having 10 features that are difficult to use because of a poorly designed interface may not be worth the money you will be investing. Your best choice would be to pick a software that is easy to learn and get used to. Changing to an automated system will already be hard enough without the added stress of learning a complicated system.

One other feature that you want to have with the software you choose is access. While non-profits usually follow regular business hours, the level of dedication you and the rest of the staff put in may often mean that you end up working even after hours. The software that offers mobile access may be the best way to make sure that you can keep a balance between your commitment to the organization and the rest of your life.

Tip # 2 – Consider the equipment to be used. Most software is designed to work with a specific type of equipment. So when looking around for a software for your non-profit organization, don’t forget to check what equipment you need to run it in. You’ll see labels such as non-profit software for PC or Mac. This is an important detail that you need to pay attention to. Purchasing or subscribing to incompatible software may result in more money spent on automating your processes.

You also need to look closely at what computer specs are needed to run the software properly. Not all computers were built equal so don’t forget to check if your equipment can support the software you choose. Upgrading computers may not be necessary as with the numerous programs offering almost similar features, you can easily find one that can run on what you currently have.

Tip # 3 – Watch product demos from the vendors. Researching and reading the product and feature descriptions provided by the vendors can be quite useful. However, nothing beats seeing it in action. When considering which software to choose for your non-profit organization, take the time to view the videos that developers or vendors often provide on their sites. These usually show a comparison of their software to others.

The videos also show a demo of how to use the different tools offered by the software. This will give you an insight on whether you and the rest of the people who will be using the tools can navigate them easily.

Regardless of the type of non-profit organization, you can certainly expect numerous benefits from automating your processes. Check out the list of reviews of non-profit software vendors available on so you can start looking at your options today.

Our rankings are completely independent, transparent, and community driven; they are based on user reviews and client sentiment. These non profit software companies had to earn their way up and didn't just pay their way up.

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