Published August 25th, 2016 by

How Online Training can help turn your Business Dreams into a Reality

It’s no secret that the way our society learns and retains information has evolved over the years. This truth has greatly impacted how businesses train their employees and colleagues as well. From major businesses to start­ups, there is no enterprise that could not benefit from online training. By saving serious course costs and embodying the flexibility needed for learning professionals, online training and its benefits can be easily implemented within an employee’s schedule.


Another beauty of the online course experience is that it can be accessed from any location where there is wifi. Whether a company has employees on business trips or stationed in offices across the world, employees will have access to learning materials and content no matter their location. This enables companies to train any number of employees, without be constrained by physical location. If the whole company needs to complete a sexual harassment prevention course, leaders do not need to stress about finding a time and place where each employee can meet and learn the given material. Instead, relying on easily accessible online training, company leaders can simply send the course to each employee to complete on their own time. Additionally, online courses make it easy for executives to track their employee’s progress. Scores on check­point quizzes, the percentage of the course completed, and much more are easily accessed from the coordinators’ account. Physically handing out quizzes to test participants knowledge, never mind grading these assessments, would take hours and hours for leaders to engage in. However, online courses make it easy for employers to not only put their company through a learning course, but monitor the success of the course as well.


Additionally, online learning courses greatly benefit businesses is the financial benefits. Often when taking employees through training or a learning course, there are many consequential added costs. There are the tasks of finding and reserving a location or open space, printing workbooks, fliers, and manuals, hiring the teachers, and many more costs. With online training, these additional wallet­ sores are slashed. The only tools employees need to complete the course are access to a computer, whether that be a company computer or their own personal laptops. As an employer, the only task you face is opening the course to your company, and then monitoring their progression. Not needing to print thousands of papers to make up a workbook for your team also saves a lot of trees as well.


When employees are given a course to complete on top of their usual workload, or have a necessary course they must finish to be qualified for their occupation, it can be an overwhelming reality. Professionals that have the time to sit down in the middle of their workday to attend a class or training session, are quite rare. However, online training alters this reality. The online access of elearning courses doesn’t limit participants to one long session of learning. Online courses allow employees to complete their coursework whenever they are available to. From lunch breaks to at home when they’re off the clock, the relaxed schedule of learning makes it easy for employee’s completion. As this reduces an in ­one­sitting­ learning ­time­ crunch, it is far more likely that participants will focus on retaining the information rather than just getting through the course.

There are a multitude of facts that emphasize how great of an investment online learning is for their company. Most people receive at least a 90 percent return on the time spent and cost to host such training. If you create a website and offer people access to the training for a fee, you can easily automate their signup, use an email service to provide them logon information and you don’t have to be present. This makes your online presentations or training available to your participants 24/7 around the world. While you are sleeping, you could be earning a return on your original investment. Not only do employees have access to the vital material during their course, but they can refer back to it whenever they need a refresher on the information they learned. This means that the lessons learned online can be accessed for the employee’s entire career. Also the course is accessible 24/7, meaning that whether your employees are early risers or night owls, the course is ready to be completed. This truly is the easiest training solution for both employees and supervisors, giving both parties the freedom to learn and train in the best way possible.

Kathy Amato

Kathy Amato is the Director of Marketing at, a website that aggregates online training courses and also offers a free Learning Management System.

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