Auction Software
Published November 06th, 2016 by

How to Find the Best Auction Software for Fundraising Activities

How to Find the Best Auction Software for Fundraising Activities

Getting a pool of best auction software reviews is easier, especially now that there are platforms offering detailed reviews of applications based on community reviews. Nonetheless, instead of simply focusing on what others have to say, you should also evaluate software options yourself. You could do this by understanding the features of the auction software, then, proceed looking for an information system offering the best possible set of capabilities.

If you are searching for an auction software for charity, you may need a more tailored information technology solution. Be reminded that there are those auction software for nonprofits, whereas there are those for business purposes.

How Do You Lead a Successful Fundraising Auction

Before you jump into using e auction software procurement, it is ideal to know the preliminary steps of leading a fundraising activity for your community-driven organization. Be reminded that your event would be stand-alone and maximizing returns from it could be difficult without the perfect strategy.

Determine If You Need to Have a Silent Auction. Primarily, a silent auction would be quite difficult. Be reminded that if you are opting for a charity’s fiscal support, you need to raise a lot of money. A silent auction could have tons of attendees to tender or large of items to offer. Irrespective of this, a silent auction requires extra effort. You need to spend a lot of time to invite bidders and look for items that could be presented.

Remember that silent auctions often take years before reaching the level of proceeds you are looking for. Businessmen and retailers will only be regular attendees after years of joining your event. If you believe your organization needs cash immediately, this may not be the choice. Nonetheless, if you could wait for a steady budget influx, you may consider the type of auction.

Complete Your Team With Deserving Talents. You need a team who can be pursuant of helping more people by any possible means. You cannot pull it off alone. You may declare volunteers recruitment in your community or through the web. Basically, you do not simply need a team for the volunteering itself, but for the auction proper as well. You need an auctioneer, emcee, spotters of auctions, and monitors among others.

Choose Auction Items Smartly. The items you will offer are equally important to the bidders present. There are different factors you could consider in selecting items, starting with the interests of the attendees. You could simply conduct an independent research on what will spark the interests of your targeted people.

Other than the wants or needs of attendees, you also have to mull over the probable income capacity of the audience. Assure that what you will offer likely suits their budgets.

Lastly, uniqueness is paramount in choosing units to present. You should not simply take out old items from your house and offer it at a price. It is best to put forward something that could not be obtained at present or limited in number.

Advertise Your Auction Items Beforehand. It is very ideal to give your attendees idea of what they could obtain from the event. At least, they could prepare and set aside money for a specific item they are interested in. You could simply create an auction catalog to be distributed to interested auctioneers.

Select Your Audience Members. You have a lot of means to invite the auction buyers. Apart from giving away flyers to random people, you could take regard of personal invitations. Include them on your mailing list. You may also consider getting help from the local government by allowing you to announce the event in specific districts of your county.

Why Automate Your Organization’s Auction Event?

There are different reasons why you need to adopt an auction software for fundraising. Primarily, it is about the simplicity of the tool. You no longer have to worry about setting-up a large gathering space for your audience. In addition, food is never a requirement in an automated auction. Instead of going face-to-face, you would be able to hold an online auction event.

The simplicity may be exceeding, but you could still ensure that everything would work as planned. You no longer have to guide people to the place of your auction affair . The attendees would not hesitate as well whether to participate or not since they will be convenient.

It will be easier for you to book a live event since no organizer would require you a lot of budget or even materials to set up the area. In as short as 30 minutes, you could also have your own auction website. Otherwise, you may simply utilize existing auction software systems.

Do you know that not only fundraisers benefit from the online auction proper? Even real estate  businesses get more profit from the platform. According to, online auction will give your buyers more time, increase demand for items, and remove barriers of distance among others.

Staffing will also be eliminated as one of your major worries. Since you could set up your own auction alone or with a small number of key people, you could still raise funds successfully. With a software, you would have virtual clerks, runners, cashiers, and data entry personnel among others.

You could work on the online auction preparation via web. You could begin with selling the event tickets online. You may also post the auction catalog to relevant sites, including social media.

Your audience will also find it easier to bid. Since the automated solution is user-friendly, they could simply set a few commands to participate. They could use their laptop, desktop computer, or even smartphones to join the bidding.

In just a few clicks, they could provide their bid on an item. The same flow will be followed, which is to deliver the item to the buyer with the highest tender. The payment will then proceed to a secured platform. After the purchasing proper, the item would be transmitted in the mail.

You could save a lot of money with the online auction information system, particularly in terms of ongoing support. You may have uncertainty due to the technical side of the product. Take note that most providers of the software have a support team to actually upgrade, monitor, maintain, and fix your software upon request or by schedule.

Express payments are offered by the automated software. Simply imagine how e-commerce sites work today. You could use your credit or debit cards and many other payment solutions to obtain an item virtually. In other words, the auction system would utilize the same idea. Instead of requiring cash for an item, the bidder could send in the payment in a flash.

Most of the online auction solutions are free from software glitch due to increasing standards of the industry. You could check out high-performing and seamless operating applications online. Many organizations have acquired the product, which is why you do not have a problem of obtaining it.

What is more amazing with this is its capability to simulcast the entire auction proper. This will not simply attract more bidders, but could also introduce your charity to more people. The next time you will hold an auction, you may have more attendees.

Get Started With Your Charity’s Fundraising Now!

You better start selecting the right software for your charity’s fundraising. Instead of focusing on manual operations, take advantage of what technology could do to expedite your accumulation of funds for openhanded projects. Given below are your three primary options of auction information system: The simplified auction solution is designed to handle fundraisings more effectively, particularly for charitable organizations. It is built for non-profit groups, schools, congregations, and clubs among others. The software is applicable for online auctions of various sizes. It also offers mixed online bidding, live auction, and paper bid sheets.

The auction system ensures that your bidders will benefit the most in terms of convenience. They could bid on items with sufficient time. They no longer have to worry about long queues or transportation issues to attend your event.

Silent Auction Pro. The non-profit organization program is made to track donations, manage contacts, and create auction items. The information system is designed for multiple users and internet-based auction event. Benefactors of the software include charitable organizations, schools, service clubs, and churches among others. It is available with a variety of formats, such as silent auctions, mobile biddings, online bidding, and live auctions among others.

SimpleAuction. The auction system is perfected with mobile compatibility and other additional features. Since it has been fine-tuned with regular software updates, the product now offers bid progression, auction extension, and automatic bidding. You may even integrate the software with your online store, giving you the opportunity to prevent even your inventory items. SimpleAuction also specializes in collectibles since 2005.

You could select from any of the given auction systems. Nonetheless, you may want to check out more of the best auction software reviews on, which has categorized reviews of auction software based on deployment, company specifics, features, and price among others.

John Tovar

John specializes in the creation and planning of business-centric mobile applications and mobile website design and development.

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