Database Management Software
Published January 12th, 2017 by

Why Is It Crucial to Choose the Best Database Management Software?

Why Is It Crucial to Choose the Best Database Management Software?

The endless advances in online and digital technology have brought about a constant search for the best database management software available. Various offices, businesses, and organizations are regularly upgrading their existing systems to make data management more efficient and reliable. The bulk of information that needs to be made available to anyone at any given time also raises the bar in the use and selection of data management systems. These systems not only provide ease of access and convenience on the part of the end user but more importantly, have allowed a more secure and protected means of storing and receiving data.

Choosing the best database management software is a crucial aspect of making sure that one’s business runs as smoothly and as efficiently as possible. It allows businesses to have a systematic way of handling, storing, and modifying all essential information needed for its effective operation. A database management system works as an automated manager that consistently ensures that the company’s database maintains its integrity and security.

Database Management Software Defined

What is a database management software? A database management software is a tool that allows the organization of data in a database. Its main purpose is to store and organize data in order to allow the system administrator or programmer greater control over the stored data. It basically performs the following functions:

1. Gives multiple users concurrent access to the database even when the purpose of accessing the database may differ.

2. Provides security measures, including giving limitations to the extent of access to any user.

3. Allows the processing of a backup mechanism and recovery measures should any problem occur.

4. Provides adequate measures to ensure the integrity of the data stored.

5. Includes a data dictionary for the proper identification and description of the data stored.

Database management systems are powerful tools in today’s global economy. It does not matter whether it is a big or small establishment as database management systems are widely utilized and play an essential part in the growth and development of one’s company or organization. The control and stability it gives to any company act as a big boost to its status as a competitive force in the economic world.  Government offices and agencies are highly reliant on an effective and reliable database management system. Otherwise, government transactions, the licensing and issuances of permits, and other related deals will not happen smoothly, much to the detriment of the overall security of a nation. Having an effective database management system would mean a general state of peace and a stable state of internal security.

Private businesses and establishments, especially those handling and dealing with financial accounts, require the best database management software at hand to ensure the integrity of their transactions and guarantee the continuance of their business.

Challenges in Storing and Managing Data

How do database management systems work? In the past, filing, storing, and organizing data are grueling manual tasks. Manual and mechanical means of managing data required so much time and effort. Over the years, this has slowly evolved into more advanced processes and systems. According to Jim Gray’s Research on Data Management: Past, Present and Future, data management has progressed through six generations. From the prehistoric era of recording data on clay tablets to the discovery of paper, tabulators, and electronic computers, and now with the most advanced multimedia applications, the management and organization of data has truly come a long way.

Database management systems, in its more recent form, allows the organization of files while giving more control to the system administrator or programmer. It allows the user to store, create, revise, or update data within the system. Among its more advanced features include allowing concurrent access to multiple users, limiting the right of access to particular or selected users, maintaining data integrity and recovery in case any problem occurs.

In more recent years, the main challenge in database management is ensuring the security of all stored information. Online access to a variety of sensitive and classified data increases the risk of unwarranted and malicious attacks on any organization’s database. Online hacking and information theft have suddenly become major criminal offenses in all parts of the world.  Businesses and organizations, especially financial institutions, have become victims of these vicious crimes. Database systems are now considered extremely vulnerable and are prone to be greatly compromised.

Top Users of Database Management Software

Database management software is used by a wide variety of organizations and institutions. Schools and universities use these systems to ensure the reliability and accuracy of student and faculty records. Grades, personal and academic records, courses that are offered, and service records of faculty members are but a few of the information that is securely stored in a university database system. Even libraries need their own type of data management. Banks and other financial institutions are also main users of database management systems. Financial transactions, account balances and loan statuses all have to be recorded and stored in a safe and secure system to protect the property of the clients as well as the integrity of the institution.

Businesses, whether large or small-scale, likewise greatly benefit from an effective data management software. Aside from keeping track of all sales and business transactions, these establishments may also gain an advantage by having a record of all business plans and innovations using the software. Web-based ads and promotions are keys to surviving in a very competitive business environment. Moreover, social media platforms are now widely used as a means of making one’s business known to the market. A good database software will be extremely helpful in ensuring the maintenance of a steady traffic of site visitors and viewers.

Selecting the best database management software depends largely on the specific needs and requirements of the office or organization concerned. The integrity and reliability of the organization’s database are highly anchored on the right choice of data management software. It is essential to fully understand the types of software available as well as the reasons and target users of said database system before a decision is made.

Types of Database Management Software

What are some database management software? The most common type of database management software is the relational databases or RDBMSes. This has been largely used by most organizations for several years now. Relational databases have been utilized for storing data and accessing various applications for operational and analytic purposes. RDBMS are known for its ACID properties – atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability. This gives assurance that transactions are correctly done and completed with appropriate safeguards should problems occur during a particular transaction. Oracle DBMS, IBM DB2, and Microsoft SQL Server are the leading database software systems in the market.

Another type of database software is the NoSQL DBMS. It is a more relaxed DBMS, allowing a simpler way to work with a large amount of sparse data. NoSQL DBMS are, however, largely feared to compromise transactional integrity, among others.

One other type is the in-memory DBMS (IMDBMS) which relies mostly on memory as a means of data storage. It is primarily used to enhance performance because the data stored is readily accessible to the user.

Other types of database management systems are currently in existence, but these are not as widely used as those previously mentioned.

Importance of Effective Database Management

With the nagging fear of defective online security and the rising issues involving cybercrimes, it is only imperative that offices and organizations select the best database management software that will cater to the needs of both the company and its clients. It is ideal to check the specifications and vulnerabilities of every software being offered in the market today. While ease of use and access is a major consideration in making one’s decision, it is equally important to prioritize whether the safety of all data stored in the database is well protected and secure.

Clients generally stay and maintain good business relations with companies and institutions that they can trust. There is nothing more reassuring for clients than knowing that their business partners have taken great lengths at ensuring that their personal, business and financial information are safe and secure. For most people, their investments equal their life because they have spent all their life securing their assets and resources. It would be absolutely tragic if they discover one day that their hard-earned properties and accomplishments are gone because of a defective database management system.

Trust is a very valuable commodity in all kinds of transactions. Losing the trust of one’s clients could ultimately mean losing one’s business. Hence, it is highly important to ensure that the best database management software is installed and running in one’s organization to assure one’s clients of the company’s dependability.

It is highly recommended to check out the best software options available. Feel free to check out the reviews on the best database management software at

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