Payroll Services
Published November 04th, 2016 by

Choosing the Right Payroll Service for Startup Businesses

Choosing the Right Payroll Service for Startup Businesses

When trying to freshly start a business, a payroll system is one of the most significant factors to watch out for. This payroll system serves as a serious financial liability for your trade which demands precise payments for employees and the following of any given government regulations. With the gravity of it all, you should not afford any payroll errors penetrate your business as it will result in delayed payments and frustrations on the part of your employees and sometimes, even monetary penalties.

For this reason, your freshly starting business will need a reliable payroll service to supply to these demands. The top payroll providers will help you evade the common payment slip-ups and non-fulfillment of government protocols caused by less reliable services. In this article, you will learn the most important things to know about payroll services, the steps needed for you to set up a payroll system for your business, how payroll services help your business and the benefits you will get from dependable payroll services.

What Is a Payroll Service?

According to, a payroll is the quantity of payment that is payable to a business’ employees and which is funded out in a specified date. Payroll is one of the most basic aspects any form of business establishments should think of as a good payroll system will also result to smooth going business works. The payroll system is subdivided into different types. There comes the in-house, online payroll, bookkeepers and CPAs, and the most sought of all –the payroll service.

A payroll service delivers knowledgeable specialists when it comes to paying for payroll taxes and in the fulfillment of regulatory requirements a business establishment will have to comply, it makes you amenable and free of everyday payroll responsibilities. Keep in mind that in business trades, payroll is not only about issuing a paycheck to your employees.

When starting a business, you should be aware of the loads of government guidelines that you should be following. You also need to monitor your employees’ pension, holiday pays, and other contributions. Seems a lot of work, right? Since all these tasks will likely eat up a lot of time and effort, businesses these days are frequently in sight for efficient means of making work easier and more economical. There are various reasons why a business needs to pay for a payroll service, and few of these reasons come as follows as cited at

  1. Save Time – In reality, the processing of employees’ payments takes up a lot of time. Many business establishments can prove that a number of tasks are compromised by business staffs processing the payroll as this duty involves intricate and careful processing that will mostly eat up extra work and time. However, with the help of a reliable payroll service, you can be freed from the loads of works you will have to look after, and thus, will help you save time to do other important duties.
  2. No Calculation Mishaps – It is inevitable to commit mistakes in any field of work, some mistakes can be easily straightened out. However, dealing with mistakes which involve figures may cost you frustrations. These mistakes will never work on your business’ advantage. You don’t want to approach an enraged employee who has not been paid his or her proper amount, or you don’t want to realize that you have paid your employee extra of the work he or she has rendered. Either way, an automated payroll service may just be the answer to these glitches as this will certainly give you an error free payroll experience.
  3. No Familiarity Needed – Certainly, trade owners have not started their businesses to become payroll specialists. New companies contain vast chances of learning and navigating a payroll system on their own. However, since their interest is more focused with the goal of growing their business, work done on payroll processing will incline to drift them apart from that that goal with all the works it demands. This is the reason why businesses make use of a payroll service company to do these tasks on their behalf.
  4. Cost-efficient – Lastly, going to the most significant concern –the cost. Most business trades spend an amount to make use of their own employee or hire an accountant to get the payroll job done. However, there is no assurance that everything will go smoothly along the run. If you are paying for someone with no certainty to get all these tasks accomplished efficiently, it makes more sense to lift these works and your money to a more reliable payroll service which has the capacity to do it faster and error free. Payroll companies have payroll service software that can do all these tasks a lot easier.

Step-by-step Guide on Setting Up Your Payroll Service

Regardless of the number of employees you have, or the size of the business you are starting up, the set up for a payroll system tracks similar steps. An article published at cited 10 customary steps all kinds of business establishments follow when setting up a payroll system. These mentioned steps include:

  1. Secure an Employer Identification Number or EIN. Prior to hiring your employees, you will have to first obtain an EIN from your Internal Revenue Service agency. This step is necessary for you to report financial documents to the IRS.
  2. Assess if you will be getting a local or state ID. Local and state governments require business trades to get their own ID number as it is necessary when processing taxes.
  3. Find out if the person you hired is a contractor or an employee. Inspect carefully the difference between the two before doing business as this also affects how you pay your taxes.
  4. Double check the paperwork of your employees. Newly hired personnel are tasked to write out a W-4, also known as Federal Income Tax Withholding Form and submit it to you.
  5. Choose an agreeable pay day period. In most cases, a bi-monthly payment period is most favored by the state law. However, you should decide on a fitting payment period, which are favorable for you and your employees –it can be weekly, monthly or bi-monthly. Also, you have to remember that although your employees were not able to render a whole period of work, the IRS still obliges you to withhold income tax.
  6. Cautiously record your employee payment agreements. This includes giving extra attention to other contributions like health care and retirement procedures.
  7. Payroll Service. The tasks payroll providers do require an intricate attention to detail and accuracy. Different kinds of payroll services may vary from each other and may contain various specializations of their own. Nonetheless, they should be responsible when it comes to your payroll tax reporting and in paying your employees right on time.
  8. Run your payroll system after you have gathered all the figures and data you need.
  9. Secure Payroll Records. Keeping an organized record of your payroll may just become handy when the day comes. In fact, it is really customary for state and federal laws to keep clean accounts for a given period of time.
  10. Payroll Taxes Report. All your payroll reports should be submitted to the rightful tax authorities.

These payroll service solutions are only just among of modern day trades’ ways of finishing up tasks. Businesses these days are more open to the different methods for which they can make their work a lot faster and easier. When in sight for a prospect payroll service to suit your company’s needs, there are payroll provider reviews which will guide you in choosing the right one.


With the busy routines businesses will have to do in order to last long in the arena, investing in a payroll service that can make the complicated task of computing figures is a wise choice that can take today’s businesses to the peak. Instead of investing so much time and effort doing payroll tasks on your own, there are experts who can do it on your behalf in a more accurate manner.

Aside from that, there is also payroll processing software made available to help make things more procedural. In comparison to the in-house payroll system, computerized way of finishing up payrolls is testified to a better job of doing the task as it offers up an error free method of work.

Surely, the payroll service cost which you will be investing on can lift extra weight off your shoulders. For such reason that payroll services make paying your employees for the work they rendered a lot easier, and caring for the tax duties which you are compelled to do on your behalf are good enough reasons for you to decide and place your trust in one.

Will you need a reliable payroll service company to serve your business? Check out and read the reviews about payroll services to learn more about these payroll service companies.

Keith Moore

Keith Moore has worked with several leading Android development agencies to build customized mobile apps enabling businesses to extend the use of their services to smart phones and mobile devices.

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