Marketing Automation Software
Published September 12th, 2016 by

Building the Framework of Your Marketing Automation Software

building-the-framework-of-your-marketing-automation-software-1If you have a rapidly increase of new email users and subscribers for the products and service in your company, using a marketing automation software will definitely help you in your company’s growth.

But without careful planning, it might fail even before you start. Don’t just charge on in creating your marketing automation strategy. Learn to think it through carefully, with your customers’ journey in mind always. Here, we’ll talk about the ways in building the framework of your marketing automation tool to make sure you’ll be prepared in whatever business endeavors will come your way.

What Do You Need?

In building the foundation of your marketing automation, you need to have reliable software for marketing automation. We strongly recommend you get the top marketing automation software for you to have an edge from your other competitors. You also need to invest some time and money for training your employees. We’ll also guide you on the best foundation you can have for your marketing automation strategy. Follow these steps below to start your marketing automation strategy.

Step One: Align Your Marketing Campaigns to Your Conversion Funnel.

What is a conversion funnel? A conversion funnel is described as the journey of what a user or a visitor undergoes before he or she becomes a customer. They help guide a user or a visitor in what to do in your company. It combines five main features of a website that can make your online visitors into a lead and a lead to a customer. If you have the right website conversion guidelines for your visitor, you won’t have any trouble in acquiring new leads and making them into customers. But if you have a poor design, it can create misunderstandings and reduce the chances of you to get a prospective lead. It also gives a negative user experience. Having a great design has features such as:

  1. Call-to-action (CTA). These are text action or buttons found in your website that guides users and informs them about what to do next (which is normally to go to your landing page). It should create excitement while being short and concise. It should also stand out so that users can easily see them.
  2. Landing page(s). Landing pages should be relevant. This will be the main part of the content where it has a clear headline telling users what you can offer to them. Most of the time they have graphics to make it more interesting and relevant content.
  3. Forms should be included in your landing page. This is where you can get user data information that they provide willingly. From this data, you can use it for your future campaigns and other analysis reports.
  4. Thank you page. Thank you pages are successful messages your users will encounter once they successfully complete your forms. It’s a confirmation message that lets them know it was successful and a great way to tell them how much you value their interest.
  5. Customized confirmation email message. A personalized message users will get from you will allow them to make search for your offer again in the future. You may also include another offer or a have an option for them to share your content with others. To make it more enticing, personalization is necessary.

Marketing automation can fail if it does not match your conversion funnel. You need to plan your marketing campaign that takes into consideration the conversion funnel stage you want to improve. If you’re not doing the correct strategy in your conversion funnel, you either will make your visitors leave or be uninterested in your products and services. All of these steps can be found in’s article. You can also check out’s reviews of marketing automation tools to select the software that can help you determine which conversion funnel you need to focus on.

Step Two: Find Out What Funnel Stages Your Users Currently Are.

Every part of the conversion funnel stage is vital to your business. However, you need to determine what stage they are to help you strategize your marketing automation. There are four stages of the marketing funnel. These are:

  1. Recognition or awareness. This is the stage where users are aware that your company has the product or services he or she is looking for. Start by advertising your business.
  2. This is the stage where they find out more about your company. They normally ask about your company’s feedback or check on reviews to gather more information. You can actively give out free stuff for your users, normally in the form of informative content, workshops or seminars. This will definitely pique their interest with your company.
  3. This is the stage where users figure out if your products and services are really worth it. They might compare them with your competitors. Stand out and have an outstanding customer relationship so that they’ll have a positive experience with you.
  4. This is the stage where they either contact you to make a purchase. Your sales and marketing team must do their best to get a sale. Once you get them hooked, don’t let them get away by providing the best products and services out there.

Step Three: Map Out Your Marketing Funnel Stages.

A marketing automation tool can help you map out your marketing funnel stages. You should have metrics at each stage. These are the metrics you need to determine how to map out your marketing funnel stages:

  1. Sales conversions. This will help you keep track of your prospects and convert them into customers.
  2. Leads arrival rates. This will help you find out what is the number of leads you have in your marketing funnel to adjust to your current marketing strategy.
  3. Entry sources. This will help you monitor the leads that can become quality leads for your marketing campaign.
  4. Engagement rate depending on your content. You need to find out which content is the most useful or popular to your users. If they are commonly searched or used, this can be a valuable asset for your future marketing campaigns.
  5. Time in stage. When a lot of users are interested in your content, you need to add more to keep users engaged.
  6. Time out stage. This is the opposite of the time in stage but needs the same action. If you see that your content is not generating enough leads, you need to add more content to make them interested.
  7. Win rate. This is the number of leads that turn into customers with successful sales.

Step Four: Grab the Opportunity of Direct Response.

You can also take advantage of direct responses for your conversions. This is a fast and easy way to gather more leads. It triggers an immediate emotional response from users and it’s convenient because you can send it via various channels including social media, radio, and telemarketing. Great reasons to use direct responses are:

  1. Building brand awareness
  2. Elicit positive outcomes
  3. Promotes attention, interest and action

Just remember, top marketing automation tools makes sure that your intentions are clear and engaging to your users to ensure maximum results.

Step Five: Have a Lead Scoring System.

Each lead can be an unqualified or qualified lead. By definition, qualified leads have the higher chance of becoming customers because of their interest in your company. The best marketing automation tools can give out a lead scoring system based on the user information they collect (normally from your landing pages) so your sales and marketing teams can focus on them, saving time.

Step Six: Double Check Your Marketing Campaigns.

Once you have a marketing campaign in mind, try creating marketing personas to see if it works. Always have a backup plan even if you think your marketing strategy is guaranteed. Don’t just follow anyone else’s business model because each industry is different from one another. Marketing automation software will help you determine what you need in your marketing campaigns. Just remember, each time a potential lead comes in, it may be worth your time to make them into customers.

Step Seven: Test Your Plan.

Start testing your marketing campaign with a small user group at first, gradually making it larger each time. Take note of the things that went well and those that didn’t. Improve and innovate on your tactics and eliminate those strategies that didn’t work well. Read marketing automation software reviews to find the best software partner for your business. They should have the same business goals that your company has.

Step Eight: Launch Your Marketing Automation Campaign.

This is the last step. Be proud that you are able to reach to reach this step and complete your goals. To make sure that you get the best software out there, read’s reviews of marketing automation tools and get started today.

A successful marketing automation starts with a great framework and a well-thought of strategy. When your strategy is not good enough, you’ll get negative feedbacks and lose money. Brand recognition in marketing campaigns are a wonderful way to make users engaged.

Always stay focused on your customers by concentrating on their ideal customer journey. The secret to a thriving marketing automation strategy is thinking ahead. Things may not go as planned the first time but you’ll be able to learn from your mistakes and improve your best practices. Now that you know how to build the foundation of your marketing automation, you can check out the best marketing automation tools out there. Don’t you think it’s time to use the tools and let your company grow?

Keith Moore

Keith Moore has worked with several leading Android development agencies to build customized mobile apps enabling businesses to extend the use of their services to smart phones and mobile devices.

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