Published September 06th, 2016 by

8 mistakes that result in not having enough time

In the 21st century the previously universally accepted equation “time = money” got serious cracks. It is not possible to earn, save, borrow or steal time. It is difficult to measure the value of time and, therefore, proper time management becomes the alpha and omega of not only managers, but for everyone who wants to achieve something in life – as an example, managing your work and taking care of your family at the same time.

If you are also thinking about how to invest your time properly, try reading our article. We have a couple of reflections about the most common mistakes people make when managing the most valuable thing they have: their time.

1) Not planning enough

Most people somehow plan their working week. Nevertheless, they do not think of weekends at all. Of course, we can say, “It’s weekend and I do not want to think about anything” but, if you have no plans for the weekend, you may lose a lot of time in creating them. Why should we live fully only at work?

2) Focusing on the wrong things

In order to manage time wisely, people should invest it in things that are really important for them. It does not matter whether for you it means your job, where you spend 16 hours a day, or your family. Just be careful so most of your time is devoted to things that you really like and care about.

3) Lack of concentration

This is a problem faced by many people. There you are, working on your computer, and suddenly, in your favorite social network, there is a new friend request or comment on one of your photos. What will you do? I am sure you know what you should do but, being honest… Can you concentrate and ignore these distractions?

4) Not establishing deadlines

Can you tell what needs to be done by tomorrow, by the end of the week or by the end of the month from what can wait until next year? Our editorial team has the on-hand experience that you do not need more time but a hard deadline. It works, trust us. J

5) Not having a “to do list”

Even those who have a clear goal and go after it forget about the importance of a “to do list”. Isn’t it nicer and easier to have a list of small steps leading to great goal so you can check them off when completing each task, than having a remote peak in the fog in front of our eyes?

6) Not knowing how to rest

Maybe it is a paradox, but often less means more. When people are under constant pressure and stress, they lose perspective and can easily miss the fact that the situation might have changed suddenly and substantially… But wouldn’t it be better to have a nice drink, calmly look at the work done and clarify what the next steps are?

7) Being a perfectionist

We spend too much time in details and forget to move forward. Creative people can improve their work endlessly and even the best pieces will never be perfect enough. There always comes a time when it is necessary to put an end to the job. Learn to recognize this moment in time so you do not stay in one task longer than necessary.

8) Not tracking your time

You will be very surprised to find out how you are really investing your time, and how little of it is left for the things that are really important. Traffic jams, chatting with colleagues, internet and social networks – just a small list of time-eaters stealing a large part of our lives. Try to track your time and analyse your time records once a week. You can either use a time tracking tool or the traditional pencil and paper. It is a well-known fact that we cannot improve what we cannot measure. It is important to explore and get to know how time is used. Only this way we will be able to improve how to make a better use of it.

What about you? What mistakes are you making? What are you struggling with in terms of time management? How do you manage to have a good overview of your work and time?

primaERP Time Tracking

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