Published March 28th, 2017 by

13 Quick Tips for Stress Awareness Month

As a small business owner, you’re probably used to juggling a myriad of different tasks. From assisting customers, managing employees, maintaining a budget, purchasing inventory and addressing issues, you’re constantly on-the-move. Plus, you likely have additional responsibilities in your personal life, such as your family obligations and personal finances. The combination of these things can translate into a lot of stress, which makes it more difficult for you to function at your highest level.

Frequent stress due to their jobs is a qualm that plagues many business owners. In research from Office Vibe, 73 percent of business owners polled said they experience psychological issues due to stress. That’s why we’ve crafted this post – so that business owners like you can avoid regular workplace stress. We’ve compiled a list of 13 simple tips to try in honor of Stress Awareness Month if you’re feeling overwhelmed in your role as a business owner.

  1. Make a to-do list and tackle it – Each day, craft a realistic list of tasks that you need to accomplish. It may be tempting to get carried away and write down everything you need to take care of this month, but most likely this will lead to you getting frazzled. By writing a list of must-do items each day, you will ensure that you stay on track. It can be hard not to worry about everything you have on your plate, but by keeping yourself accountable with a daily list, you’ll remain productive while keeping stress at bay.
  2. Go outside – Getting some fresh air can help clear your head and give you a much-needed break. Even a few minutes of time outdoors can alleviate stress.Can’t seem to break away from your work responsibilities? Try working outside from your laptop, if the weather permits. Or maybe you’re having a crazy day, and can’t make yourself head outdoors for a break. Crack a window, or keep natural scents like lavender, pine or jasmine in your office. These smells can be beneficial for regulating mood swings and lessening anxiety.
  3. Delegate tasks – There is no shame in asking for help. Running a small business can be taxing, and it is understandable if you need to rely on your business partner or fellow employees for assistance. You may believe that you need to complete tasks yourself, and don’t want to admit that you need support with certain initiatives. Surprisingly, your worries will likely decrease if you’re willing to be honest with yourself, and know when to seek help.
  4. Show gratitude – You’re constantly juggling tasks, ensuring customers are satisfied and that your business operations are thriving. With all that responsibility, it can be difficult to slow down and enjoy the little moments. That’s why it is important to reflect on all the good things in your life.Starting a gratitude journal can be a good way to accomplish this. Jot down a few things that you’re thankful for each day. You’ll be surprised at how quickly this curbs the on-set of stress.Another way to exude gratitude is to show that you are thankful for your business, employees and customers! Do this by planning an impromptu employee appreciation event, or sending out an email to consistent customers thanking them for their loyalty. These small gestures will transform your business into a healthy work environment for everyone involved.
  1. Meditate – Do you ever feel anxious due to the stress you’re experiencing as a small business owner? Consider making meditation a part of your daily routine! Contrary to what you may think, it doesn’t have to be time-consuming or complicated, either. There are plenty of smartphone apps that can assist you with your meditation. Download Calm, Headspace or The Mindfulness App to incorporate meditation into your schedule. These apps will help you quickly meditate, without infringing on your business responsibilities.
  2. Talk it out – Keeping your emotions bottled up can be extremely detrimental. If you don’t express your feelings, they may cause you even more stress, or affect your job performance. Find a trusted confidant, like a business partner or advisor, who you can share your biggest concerns with. Chances are, you’ll be relieved to get them off your chest, and the individual you’re confiding in may have advice that you haven’t thought of.
  3. Make time for social plans – According to research conducted by Simply Business, almost half of the business owners surveyed admitted to canceling plans with their loved ones at least once a week due to work obligations. While we commend business owners for their unwavering dedication, finding a work-life balance is imperative. As a business owner, canceling plans may seem unavoidable, but it is important to make time for your family and friends. This will help you lessen your stress, and get a break from the pressures you face at work.If you find yourself consistently canceling plans, it’s time to make your social life more of a priority. We understand that as a business owner, unexpected conflicts or needs will arise. Still, you should aim to make time for your social life, unless it is truly an emergency. This is where delegating comes into play. Don’t be afraid to plan ahead and find someone to fill in for you while you enjoy some much-needed time off. 
  4. Put down your phone – Smartphones, tablets and other portable devices offer many conveniences. But sometimes, we have too much access to our electronics, and it causes us to get stressed out. If you’re constantly checking your email inbox on your phone, or are texting employees or partners about business, you may get distracted from your work. Aside from distracting you from the tasks at hand, it could also lessen your relaxation time during nights and weekends.That’s why it’s okay to turn off your phone and take a break from it. Consider allowing yourself one ‘tech-free’ hour each day. You’ll likely feel relieved to know that you will get a break from technology during that time! 
  5. Know when to say “no” – There is no shame in being honest! If you can’t handle taking on another responsibility, explain that. Again, this is possible by delegating. If you have to be the one to complete a task, don’t be apprehensive to set a deadline that is realistic based on your busy schedule. This will allow you to take your time and complete your work to the best of your abilities. You’ll thank yourself later when you aren’t overwhelmed!
  6. Take care of yourself – Don’t skip meals, sleep few hours or run yourself into the ground. Ultimately, you’re hurting yourself and your business. If you are experiencing tension, don’t be afraid to give yourself some TLC. Ultimately, you should aim for consistency. If you’re feeling exhausted and overworked, it might be a sign that you need to take better care of yourself on a regular basis. Without investing in yourself, your business may suffer.
  7. Notice what stresses you out consistently – Is there a certain monthly project that always manages to cause you stress? Or maybe it’s whenever a customer writes a negative review on Yelp. Recognize the day-to-day situations that are nerve-wracking to you, so that you can determine how to handle them better in the future. If you focus on viable solutions, you’ll alleviate stress in the future.
  8. De-clutter your work space – A messy office will make your work environment more stressful than it needs to be. Make it a daily priority to sort paperwork and clean up any messes. This way, you won’t risk having to do work in an area that is untidy. If you don’t have time for this, make it a daily initiative for an organized intern or assistant.
  9. Move on from mistakes – If you dwell on your business’s mishaps, you’ll cause yourself more trauma than necessary. Instead of concentrating on your small business’s mistakes or issues, put more emphasis on your goals. This will motivate you to make your business a success!Now that you’ve learned about these 13 stress management tips for business owners, it’s time to put them into practice. While it can be challenging to rid yourself of bad habits, remember that many of them ultimately lead to unnecessary stress. These mistakes not only cause you anxiety, but they affect the work environment for your employees, and the service you’re providing to your customers. Once you add these practices into your daily schedule, you will probably watch your small business stress fade away!

Katie Alteri

Katie Alteri is the content marketing coordinator at Fora Financial, a company that provides working capital solutions to small businesses across the U.S.

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